1) In compliance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2007, the National Assembly wishes to invite interested, competent and reputable companies to submit Technical and Financial Bids for the following contracts being contemplated by the National Assembly (Senate) under the 2012 Capital Budget.
2) Contracts:
- Lot 15. Supply of SUV’s (2013 Model, V8, Full Option);
- Lot 25. Supply of Convoy Vehicles (VX 7-SAT LS, 2013 Model, 4.01, V6, Full Option)
- Lot 35. Supply of Sedan Vehicles (2013 Model, V8, 4.61 Twin Turbo, Full Options and 2013, 4x2, 3.5AMB/L, Auto);
- Lot 4S. Supply of Ambulance (STD, RF, WAC with Full Life Support Equipments); and.
- Lot 55. Supply of Utility Vehicles (4WD, DC, ACP, SS, Double Cabin).
3) General Requirements.
Interested Companies are required to submit the following documents with their written application:
- Evidence of Incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and Articles of Memorandum of Association;
- Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for the past 3years (2009—2011);
- Evidence of VAT Registration and Remittance;
- Evidence of PENCOM Registration and Remittance
- Reference Letter from a reputable Bank and Statement of Account for the last l2months;
- Evidence of Audited Account for the last 3years;
- Verifiable evidence of recent 5 Similar Jobs executed within the last three years (copies of award letters and completion certificates);
- viii. Sworn Affidavit in line with the Provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 (5-16(6)e-f); and
4) Tender Instructions
- Interested Companies are to collect Bid Documents from the National Assembly Tenders Board Secretariat (Room 1.279, Annex 1, NASS Complex) upon evidence of payment of a non-refundable fee of N50,000.00 (in Bank Draft in favour of the National Assembly);
- Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures as specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2007;
- Bids shall be marked according to the instructions in the Tender Documents;
- All Tender shall attract 2.5% Bid Bond/Security of Bid sum; and.
- Tender Document submitted late shall be rejected.
5) Closing Date
1st November, 2012 by 12noon on Thursday.
6) Submission of Bids
i. Submission of completed Tender Documents shall be in hard and soft copies sealed in 15x9.5 envelope, marked appropriately at the left hand corner “Technical and Financial Bids” and addressed to:
The Secretary
National Assembly Tenders Board
Three Arms Zone
ii. This document is to be dropped in the Tender Box in the office of the Secretary
Tenders Board.
7) Bids Opening
Bids will be opened at 1pm, Thursday, 1st November, 2012 at the Department of Procurement & Supplies Conference Room (Room 1.271) Annex I, NASS Complex;
ii. All prospective Contractors or their accredited representatives should endeavour to be present, please;
- National Assembly reserves the right to reject any or all bid documents, without incurring any liability;
- This invitation should not be construed as a commitment on the part of the National Assembly to enter any form of contract with any company, enter into any communication with any company not found suitable nor shall it entitle any company to make any claim whatsoever from the National Assembly;
- National Assembly is not bound to accept the lowest Bid or any Tender; and.
- Technical bids submitted by interested companies will be assessed and only Tenders of those technically competent that their financial bids will be opened for evaluation.