Posted by Kordinichi on Mon 03rd Feb, 2025 -
Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) invites competent and reliable companies to submit their technical documents for the Renovation / Construction of Civil Works at FAAN Airports, Staff Quarters, Offices and Dilapidated Buildings at Headquarters. Interested companies should possess relevant qualifications and experience.
The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has the statutory functions of developing and managing all necessary Airport facilities and services for safe, secured and efficient carriage of passengers and goods.
The Federal Government of Nigeria has made provision for an Intervention fund in the year 2024 for the procurement of Works, Goods and Services for the Agency. The Agency is desirous of digitizing its operations and digitalizing its services and is therefore seeking to engage the services of competent Companies and service providers to submit Tender documents for the following:
Title: Invitation for Pre-Qualification for the Renovation / Construction of Civil Works at FAAN Airports, Staff Quarters, Offices and Dilapidated Buildings at Headquarters
Lot Number: W1
Location: Lagos
- The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has the statutory functions of developing and managing all necessary Airport facilities and services for safe, secured and efficient carriage of passengers and goods.
- Consequently, the Authority intends to undertake the procurement of the under-listed projects at FAAN Headquarters and other Airports in Nigeria, under its 2025 financial year/Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) BudgetIn compliance with the National Open Competitive Bidding (NOCB) procedures stipulated in the Public Procurement Act 2007 and its extant guidelines, the Authority hereby invite competent and reliable companies to submit their technical documents for execution of the projects.
Eligibility Requirements
- Evidence of Company's Certificate of Incorporation issued by Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), including certified true copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association, forms CAC2 & CAC7 or CAC1.1.
- Evidence of Company's Income Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) for the last three years (i.e2022, 2023 and 2024), valid till 31st December, 2025.
- Only companies with a minimum of N25,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W1, W10, W14, W16, W17, W18, and W19.
- Only companies with a minimum of N50,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, ..2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W20, W25, W28, and W29.
- Only companies with a minimum of N100,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W11, W12, W13 W15, W21, and W24.
- Only companies with a minimum of N250,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W2, W6, W7, W8, W9 and W27.
- Only companies with a minimum of N1,000,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W3.
- Only companies with a minimum of N2,000,000,000 annual turnover in the last three (3) years (2022, 2023, and 2024) need to apply for Lots: W4.
- Evidence of current Pension Clearance Certificate, valid till 31st December, 2025.
- Evidence of current Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Compliance Certificate valid till 31st December, 2025.
- Evidence of current Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) Clearance Certificate, valid till 31st December, 2025
- Evidence of registration on the National Database of Federal Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers by submission of Interim Registration Report (IRR) 31st December, 2025 or valid certificate issued by the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP).
- Sworn Affidavit from Court of competent jurisdiction in Nigeria (Federal or State), including stamped passport photograph and signature of Deponent/Declarant, disclosing as follows:
- Whether or not any officer of the relevant committees of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria or Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) is a former or present Director, Shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder.
- Confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct in all particulars.
- That no Director has been convicted in any country for any criminal offence relating to fraud or financial impropriety or criminal misrepresentation of falsification of facts relating to any matter;
- That the company is not in receivership, the subject of any form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings or the subject of any form of winding up petition or proceedings;
- That the company does not have existing loan or financial liability with a bank, other financial institution or third party that is classical as doubtful, non-performance, bad or whose repayment portion has been outstanding for the last four (4) months;
- Company's Audited Accounts for the last three (3) years (i.e2022, 2023 and 2024).
- Evidence of financial capability to execute the project by submission of Reference Letter from a reputable Commercial Bank in Nigeria, indicating willingness to provide credit facility for the execution of project when needed.
- Company's Profile, with Curriculum Vitae of Key Staff to be deployed for the project, including copies of their academic and professional certificates (e.gin case of Civil Works: NSE, COREN, QSRBN, ARCON, CORBON, etc.).
- Verifiable documentary evidence of at least three (3) similar works successfully completed/ongoing project in the last five (5) years, including Letters of Award, Contract Agreements, Job Completion Certificates and Photographs of the projects.
- For Lots W1, and W4, W14 and W16, ownership of relevant equipment or valid lease Agreement is required.
- All documents for submission must be transmitted with a Covering/Forwarding letter under the Company/Firm's Letter Head paper bearing amongst others, the Registration Number (RC) as issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Contact Address, Telephone Number (preferably GSM No.), E-mail address, names and nationalities of the Directors of the Company at the bottom of the page and duly signed by the authorized officer of the firm.
- Bidders for Works/Services shall provide evidence of current license issued by the (NEMSA, NESREA etc.)
- For Supply of Equipment: Letter of Authorization as representative of the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as Carousel, Boarding Bridges, Lifts, Escalators, Fire Tenders & Baggage Conveyors Systems.
Closing Date of Tender Document
Submission of pre-qualification documents shall close at exactly 11:30a.mon Monday 17th March, 2025.
Submission Of Prequalification Documents
The documents are to be submitted in soft copy (flash drive: to be submitted separately) and two (2) hard copies (One original and one copy) in A4 paper size and neatly bound. The document should be arranged in the order listed above and clearly separated by dividers. The documents must be sealed in an envelope and the Project Name and Lot number clearly written at the top left corner of the envelope. All documents must be submitted from 8.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday to:
The Office of The General Manager (Procurement),
FAAN Headquarters,
Contacts: Phone No: 08022231051 or 08033199481 (Available within the hours of 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday)
Email Address:
Opening of Pre-Qualification Documents
Pre-qualification documents shall be opened immediately after the deadline for submission at 11:30am on Monday 17th March, 2025 at the Procurement Department, Maintenance Yard, FAAN Headquarters, Ikeja, Lagos.
Important Information
- Documents are to be submitted on lot-by-lot basis and no Company is allowed to submit bid documents for more than two (2) lots. Violators shall be disqualified
- FAAN reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any claims made on the bid documents submitted by companies.
- Failure to comply with the instruction(s) and provide any required document(s) may automatically result in disqualification.
- Original of all the above-listed eligibility documents may be requested for sighting as and when.needed.
- Late submissions will be returned un-opened.
- All submissions must be in English language.
- Submission should be very clear on the areas of Lot of interest.
- Bidders can submit through Post (Courier Services), provided the bid is received before deadline
- Only prequalified bidders will be invited at a later stage for collection of financial tender documents.
- At a later stage, prequalified bidders would be requested to submit the updated copies of their statutory documents e.g Tax, PENCOM, ITF, NSITF, BPP and any other relevant document. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.
- This advertisement shall not be construed to be a commitment on the part of FAAN, nor shall it entail the bidder to make any claim(s) whatsoever and/or seek any indemnity from FAAN, by virtue of such bidder having responded to this publication.
- FAAN is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the Procurement process at any time without incurring any liabilities in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Procurement Act 2007.