1.) This Invitation for Rids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared in the dg Market web site on June 2, 2004 and was published in UN Development Business, Issue No. 633, on June 30, 2004.
2.) The Federal Government of Nigeria has received a credit from the International Development Association towards the cost of Notional Urban Water Sector Reform Project, nod it intends to apply port of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the Contract for Works listed in table 3 below.
3.) The Oguo State Water Corporation now invites sealed bids from eligible and eligible and qualified bidders for executive of work listed in table 3.
Works Tables
Package No.: 1
Lot No.: 1
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-06 Lot I
Description of Services: Repair of Leakage on Rising Main
Location: Abeokuta
Delivery Period: 4 months
Bid Security: N200,000
Turn-Over: N5,000,000
Lot No.: 2
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-06 Lot II
Description of Services: Channelization of overflow duct at Asaran
Location: Abeokuta, Abk
Delivery Period: 4 months
Bid Security: N400,000
Turn-Over: N10,000,000
Lot No.: 3
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-06 Lot III
Description of Services: Rehabilitation of 500 Cubic Meter Elevated Tank
Location: Ijebu-Ode
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N600,000
Turn-Over: N18,000,000
Package No.: 2
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-08
Description of Services: Rehabilitation of Package Treatment Plant
Location: Abeokuta
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N2,500,000
Turn-Over: N80,000,000
Package No.: 3
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-02
Description of Services: Construction of Sagamu intake Structure
Location: Sagamu
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N6,500,000
Turn-Over: N600,000,000
Package No.: 4
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI 2-07
Description of Services: Construction of dedicated power line to Papalanto Scheme
Location: Papalanto
Delivery Period: 4 months
Bid Security: N1,500,000
Turn-Over: N60,000,000
Package No.: 5
Lot No.: 1
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04 Lot I
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 150mm dia UPVC pipeline Complete with house connection in Ogere
Location: Ogere
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N1,500,000
Turn-Over: N180,000,000
Lot No.: 2
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04 Lot II
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 159mm dia UPVC Pipeline complete with house connection in Abk.
Location: Abeokuta
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N3,000,000
Turn-Over: N300,000,000
Lot No.: 3
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04 Lot III
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 150mm dia UPVC Pipeline complete with house connection in Ijebu Ode
Location: Ijebu Ode
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N1,000,000
Turn-Over: N110,000,000
Lot No.: 4
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04Lot IV
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 150mm dia UPYC Pipeline complete with house connection in Sagamu
Location: Sagomu
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N500,000
Turn-Over: N60,000,000
Lot No.: 5
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04 Lot V
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 150mm dia UPYC Pipeline complete with house connection in Iloro
Location: Popolanto/ Ilaro
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N300,000
Turn-Over: N33,000,000
Lot No.: 6
Contract Number: OG/NUWSRP/WKS/NCBI2-04 Lot VI
Description of Services: Supply and laying of 150mm dia IJPVC Pipeline complete with house connection in Apoje
Location: Apoje
Delivery Period: 6 months
Bid Security: N2,000,000
Turn-Over: N240,000,000
Tables 2
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Ogere
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Aheokuto
Amount for Bid Documents: N30,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Ijebu Ode
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Sogamu
Amount for Bid Documents: N15,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Ilaro
Amount for Bid Documents: N15,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Supply and laying of pipe in Apoje
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Repair of leakage on Rising Main
Amount for Bid Documents: N10,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Channelization of Overflow duct at Asaran
Amount for Bid Documents: N15,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Rehabilitation of 500 Cubic Meter Elevated tank
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Rehabilitation of Package Treatment Plant
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Construction of dedicated Power Line to Papalanto
Amount for Bid Documents: N20,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
Description of Services: Construction of Sogamu intake structure
Amount for Bid Documents: N30,000
Closing date and time of Bids: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12p.m
Date and time of bids Opening: 7th January, 2013 - Time: 12:30pm
4.) Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCR) Procedures specified in the World Rank’s Guidelines: Procurement wider IBRD Loans nod IDA Credits, nod is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Bidding Documents.
5.) Interested eligible bidders may obtain farther information from Ogon State Water Corporation and inspect the bidding documents of the address below from Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays) from 8.30 nm In 3.00 pm.
6.) Qualifications requirement include the followings minimum conditions;
- Possession of experience as a prime Contractor for of least (2) works of o nature and complexity equivalent to the works over the last five (5) years. To comply with this requirement, works sited should beat 70 percent complete
- The amount of annual turnover in construction works in the last five (5) yours in works that have been successfully nod substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed works and Goods bids are as specified above.
- Have a Project Manager withal least 15 years experience in Works of equivalent nature and volume, include not less thou 5 years on Manager among its cure staff and shall have a minimum of Bsc. Degree in Civil Engineering or Equivalent Qualification far works contract only.
- Own a substantial production of the construction equipment required to successfully execute the contract (fro works contract only) (e) Provide Annual audited account for the last three (3) years
7.) A complete set of bidding documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee as above (table 2). The method of payment will be by Rook Draft made in favour of the National Urban Water Sector Reform Project, Ogun State. The Bidding Documents will be collected by hood or sent by courier services on request.
8.) Closing Date
Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Monday 7th January, 20l3 at 12.00 noon. Electronics bidding “shall not” be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Rids will be opened physically in the pretence of the bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend in presence at the address below at 12.30 noun on 7th January, 2013.
9.) All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as stated in the table under paragraph 3 above or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
10.) The address referred to above is:
General Manager
Ogun State Water Corporation,
Ibrahim Babangida Boulevard,
Oke Mosan