Invitation to tender for Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS)

Posted by Chinyere on Thu 31st Jan, 2013 -

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provides funding to Family Health international (FHI 360) to implement interventions for Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS) in Nigeria. FHI 360 desires to issue sub grants under this grant: to Nigerian indigenous organizations that can effectively engage networks of C130s and PROs to develop and implement effective integrated, community-based HI V/AIDS prevention and care programs in 5 selected states of Nigeria. The 5 states are: Abia, Anambra, Yobe, Jigawa, and Katisina. FHI 360 is soliciting proposals from indigenous Nigerian organizations with interest and capacity to serve as Umbrella NGO/CBOs for delivering integrated community-based HIV/AIDS services in. the target LOAs, Each selected applicant will be expected to work with its sub grantees to cover all assigned program areas and selected IGAs in one state. All selected partners (applicant’s sub grantees) must be mentioned upfront within the application.

Fund Available:

FHI360 intends to fund five grants and commit each grant between 5,000,000 to 10,000.000 Nairas per year. An applicant may request a project period of up to four years

Eligible Organizations: Registered Nigerian civil society organizations: (non-governmental organizations (NGOs)-this includes faith- based organizations (FBOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) currently providing integrated community-based HIV/AIDS services in any of the above states. Organizations are encouraged to apply in partnership with others to demonstrate capacity to cover all SIDHAS technical areas including Prevention of Sexual Transmission. of HIV and OVC/PLHIV care and support. Each selected applicant will be required to cover the whole state through a subgranting mechanism to other CBOs and FBOs.

Application Process: All prospective applicants must first obtain the complete package for this call from the address below Proposals should also be submitted to this address by the due date for completed proposals.

The Program Officer, Program Support Unit
FRI 360, Godab Plaza
Plot 1073 3, 8 Tarka Street
Area 3, Garki, Abuja
Tel 2349 461 5555 ext 690,

Closing Date/Submission of Applications:

All proposals must be submitted by 4:00 pm Nigeria time, February 15, 2013 the addresses given above. Any proposals submitted after the deadline aforementioned will be disregarded.

Flit 360 encourages inquiries concerning this RF4 and welcome the opportunity to answer questions from potential applicants. Prospective applicants may request additional clarification and explanation about the application from the address above or by submitting questions in writing, either via fax to 461 5511 attn: Director, Program, Management or e-mailed to by February 7, 2013. Answers to all questions received by February 7, 2013 will be made available by to all interested applicants that provided e-mail or fax addresses when requesting/picking up the applications package. FHI 360 will not respond to requests for additional information made after the deadline or made in-person or via telephone.

We look forward to your participation.

Issuance of this RFA in no way obligates FHI 360 either in terms of amount of award or the stated range. Awards pursuant to this RFA are contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of a sufficient number of meritorious applications. FHI 360 will not be liable for any costs incurred by an applicant in preparation of’ this RFA. Furthermore, FHI 360 may issue written amendments to this solicitation at any time before the proposed due date.


